New Blog officially launched

The website for the new blog is officially launched.

It will be running up here.

It is very empty, at the moment, but this is how it will ultimately look once I start putting posts there. The menu still needs to be customized however, which I intend to do as soon as I manage to get some free time in the day.

The WordPress theme I have used is called Daily Notes, which makes me think of a blank sheet of paper, where I can express my thoughts freely on a clean slate – a perfect way to start.

Special thanks to Arsalan Ahmad for putting the idea in my head in the first place, for selecting the theme, and for the technical assistance involved in setting the website up and making it live, and to Sohail Ali for designing the logo. Couldn’t have done it without you guys!

8 thoughts on “New Blog officially launched

  1. Good start Sufia..Start posting..I don’t see any point why u wud want to wait n upload a dozen posts in one go..blv me lot of us hardly look at older posts..I’m just saying..

  2. yes. I couldnt digest the thought of an empty website. I get like that at times. I even delete and rewrite fb status if they dont look perfectl symetrical. I feel sorry for the guy i end up marrying

    1. tk u jahanzaib…i did try, but then i found out it was more trouble then it was i didnt bother 🙂

      tk u for dropping by

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